Our feelings of worthiness or unworthiness are what dictate how much love, success, abundance, fun, and pleasure we'll allow ourselves to receive. Many of us have our sense of worthiness tied up with what we do, how we look, or what we've accomplished. But true worthiness doesn't come from our achievements, our bank accounts, or our bodies. It doesn't come from what we do, but from who we are.

We can't expect to wake up each day feeling worthy of having everything that we desire. Rather, we must nurture our sense of worthiness each and every day. We do this by first exposing the behaviors we engage in that undermine our feelings of worthiness, and then making a conscious effort to find and appreciate our own value.

Your Self-Love Assignment:

Part l:
Make a list of the thoughts, behaviors, and choices you make that leave you feeling unworthy. For example, do you complain about yourself?  Do you neglect your diet or exercise program? Do you engage in activities like gossiping or overspending and then feel bad about it? Make the powerful choice to stop doing the things that leave you feeling unworthy.

Part ll:
Interview three people whose opinions you admire. Ask them to tell you two things that they love and appreciate about you. Write down what they share, and read this list to yourself every day this week.

Part III:

Click HERE to experience the Reclaiming Worth Ritual (12 Minute Audio) 




  • Strong boundaries come from a strong sense of self-worth.  Each time someone sets a healthy boundary, it fortifies their sense of self-worth.
  • Each time a person denies their truth and says “yes” when they mean to say “no,” they weaken their sense of self-worth.
  • Many of us fear setting boundaries because we want to be "nice," or "people-pleasing." Many of us fear rocking the boat or upsetting others. Doing so may make others see us as unlikable, and how appreciated we feel can impact our sense of self-worth.
  • Boundaries are generally considered a masculine concept because they are clear and precise, and hold a container.
  • We actually NEED boundaries because it allows for our inner feminine to feel safe to flow and be free.
  • Without boundaries, our masculine and feminine are out of balance. It can manifest as over-giving, feeling drained, or letting others take advantage of us.
  • Boundaries don't always feel comfortable for every person involved, but they will always lead to empowerment or education.
  • Boundaries can be made either internally in relationship to self, or externally in relationship with a person, a situation, or an area of life. Examples include time management, parenting, and work-life balance.

Click Here for your Clear Boundaries Exercise! 



I Am Enough Flow - A Gift from Gaia.com


Shannon Paige
Vinyasa Yoga All Levels-1, 2 40 mins

This practice is geared towards core stabilization to create fluid grace, embodied transitions, astounding hip-opening and self-stabilized arm/full body balances. You'll feel inspired with the vibratory, cellular call of ENOUGH-ness. ENJOY! 



Millions of people from all races, religion, cultures and educational backgrounds go through life being unaware of their core values, only to find themselves feeling confused, anxious, and stressed out, not knowing why.

But when people take time to discover what they truly value, their lives change. Suddenly they can attract what they desire because their actions are in alignment with what matters most.

That’s why I’m offering What Matters Most: Building a Fulfilling Life On the Foundation of Your Values. If you want help to find the truth you already have inside you, this training was created for you.

If you are not ready to find your core values and lead a life of happiness, success, and fulfillment, then this is probably not the Self-Study Challenge for you.

But if you are serious about finding your authentic direction and living YOUR life, click the link and start the journey.

What Matters Most! Your April Self-Study Challenge!

4/14: What Do You Value?

4/15: A World of Values

4/16: Determining your Core Values- Values Budget

4/17: Determining your Core Values- Time Choices

4/18: Creating your Value System

4/19: Working with Your Core Values


Utilizing in-depth exercises and personal analysis, The Genius Within will help you find your greatest strengths so that you can start using them in your life.

It’s time to let go of the “more talented than me” story. Although some people appear to be exceptionally talented, that’s only because they have found their specific talents and focused on developing them into STRENGTHS. You can do this too and greatly amplify the amount of magnetism and ability you exhibit.

It starts now…Click the link below to register right NOW for this life-changing Full Moon Webinar and take your entire life in a whole new, brighter direction.

Saturday, April 20th- The Genius Within: Calling on your Natural Talents to make Life More Fulfilling (a Full Moon Webinar) @7-8:30 pm MST REGISTER HERE

Saturday May 4th- Your Sisterhood Awaits! New Moon Circle (Empowered Body)



Book a call with me HERE

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon