Take a Deep Breath...

● Envision a world where every woman feels free. Free to love, free to express herself, free to create what she desires, and is safe in her body.

● Feel in your body the spaciousness and openness of freedom. Taking a few deep breaths, imagine every man, woman, and child living with this same sensation.

● Now envision all boys of our world being raised to honor women and to respect the feminine principle in themselves. Honoring their feelings, honoring their softness, honoring their connectedness to all life.

● Imagine our world valuing and respecting the qualities of intuition, empathy, receptivity, collaboration, diversity, and upholding and supporting human dignity.

Envision our world’s governments and businesses honoring the voices of women, honoring the feelings and wellbeing of their employees and citizens, and honoring mother earth.



INTENTION: To acknowledge the inner work that needs to be done in order to shed what no longer serves you and step into a new dimension of freedom.

Grab a journal, something to drink and settle down in a cozy corner with these journal prompts:


1. What is your dream for yourself? Think: an uninhibited, no ceiling type of dream!


2. What emotions, beliefs, or thoughts about yourself get in the way of you feeling free to live this dream?  Consider your relationships, limiting beliefs, emotional blockages, and level of fulfillment.


3. In your material world, what obstacles feel the most oppressive or hard to overcome?  Examples: Money, unhealthy relationships, injuries, illness etc.


4. How would your life transform if you allowed yourself to feel 100% free—even with these obstacles?


5. What new thoughts do you need to create in order to feel fully free? Write these affirmations in your journal.   Extra points if you repeat them daily!



 Now is the time for us to do the inner work and create solutions that pave the path toward personal freedom. Welcome to the journey where thousands will do this work together.


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” - ALBERT EINSTEIN


The Integrity Advantage Book Study Group begins March 14th!

If you are receiving this email, I am holding space ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Wendy to join us! Don't miss out on this incredible 4 month immersive deep dive into the core value of Integrity....

Discover the power of aligning your every word and every action with pure integrity.
The Integrity Advantage: Step into your Truth, Love your Life and Claim Your Magnificence is the first book by Kelley Kosow and was only just released in November of 2017, it’s just a little over a year old.

I met Kelley as a teacher back in 2011 when I was doing my integrative coaching certification training at The Ford Institute. The founder of the Ford Institute was the late, great Debbie Ford….a world renowned transformation pioneer, 9 time best-selling author, film-maker, and creator of the Shadow Process Workshops.
Kelley was hand-picked by Debbie to carry on her work as the CEO of The Ford Institute, and Kelley was inspired to write The Integrity Advantage. This book truly is a step-by-step guide for facing the fear, shame and false beliefs that cause us to lose our way.

Both Debbie and Kelley inspired me to take my personal development work to the next level, and now, not only do I live this work, but I coach clients all over the world via zoom and teleconference line. I created The Way of Truth Sacred Journey Portal to provide an immersive experience for my clients, each a pioneer in their own right.

The Integrity Advantage gives you practical tools to reclaim your power, change your life, and be who you want to be. Kelley offers a New Definition of the word Integrity. It’s not just a daunting concept about living a life of perfection, but about living a life that is perfect for you.

This book is a step-by-step guide. Part One introduces concepts like “Integrity Snatchers”, the things that keep us out of integrity. You’ll discover your “Integrity Alignment Monitor”, the power of your “I AM” device we all have inside of us that will help us to tune into the wisdom within and living from that space.

Part 2 teaches the 7 Step Integrity Process that helps people really get naked and bust themselves of their excuses and patterns of self-sabotage, so they can own all of who they are so they can finally begin living a life that feels whole, complete and undivided, and honoring.

Part 3 is about cleaning out and clearing up anything that doesn’t serve you and from that place of clarity and resonance- tapping into your grandest vision and deepest truths and creating a plan. Kelley sums up with what she calls the “Integrity Protection Program” helping us create structures to maintain our highest vibrations and continue manifesting from a place of Integrity and Self-Love.

Sounds like a great book, and Yes you could just buy the book and work through it on your own but…

…honestly, will you? With the best of intentions, how many times have you started a book study process with great enthusiasm, only to get distracted, not finish, and discover the dusty book in a corner somewhere weeks, months, years later…forgotten?

That’s why I’m offering The Integrity Advantage Book Study Group! Working in a group provides that excellent level of inspiration, support, and accountability. This 4 month immersion includes 16 live discussion groups with unlimited access to the recordings and worksheets. 

To support your best results, this study offers weekly live discussion groups, worksheets,  online Integrity Insight forms through your secured portal, and “just in time” email coaching from me, your facilitator and Integrative Coach. 

This book is so new, there is no audio book yet, so I have recorded and uploaded the chapters to auto-drip for you….so when you get too busy or distracted to read, you can let me read it to you and keep pace with the group. 

In between live discussions, you have access to your private facebook group so you can give and receive inspiration and support. Priceless. Of course, there is a 30 day “Participate and get your money back” guarantee.

Any questions? When does it start? How much? How do you sign up?
Thought you’d never ask! 




March 14th- June 26th: The Intregrity Advantage Book Study Group

March 20th (Full Moon Webinar): Focus on Authenticity

April 5th New Moon Circle in Aries: I am Enough: I know my boundaries and boldly claim my worth. 



Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Online Course Director
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!

Ready. Set. Grow.
You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.



Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon