On a Personal Note....

Wins - In mid-September, I moved into my new apartment!  It's been a very long time since I said "yes" to creating a sanctuary for myself.  It's brand new, no one has lived here before me.... I even chose the paint colors!  With this solid foundation, I've started to create new rituals that ground me and nurture me every day.  

Challenges - The commitments I've taken on are stretching me to my growth edges.  I worry that I've taken on too much.  The reputation of being a very capable person has it's drawbacks.  Finding balance in the midst of busyness is the primary challenge.  

Brainstorm - Instead of making my feelings of  overwhelm wrong, or denying or resisting the reality of my stress.... I can break my commitments down into smaller, more doable daily and weekly goals.  I can delegate more responsibilities to my team.  I can simplify, prioritize... and celebrate what we're doing really well.

Commitments- I commit to my grounding rituals.  I commit to deep, refreshing sleep.  I commit to taking good care of my physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  I commit to having fun with the process.  I commit to allowing support from unexpected places.  I commit to saying "no" and leaving some unscheduled time in my days for spontaneous discovery.  I commit to prioritizing a healthier balance between "doing" and "being". 


Harmony + Polarity (from October Wisdom)

As women living in a modern world, we are relearning how to align our bodies with  Nature’s cycles. To align our outer activities with our inner rhythms. To align our inner rhythms with Nature and the moon. Our culture has told us that to be valuable we have to consistently give, to the brink of self-denial and destruction. We are expected to be automatons, living the same routine day after day.  

We have grown up believing that our female cycles, rhythms, and moods are irrational and unpredictable. To be feminine in a masculinized role or world, we must remember (reteach ourselves) how to be flexible, to tune in to how we’re feeling. Instead of pushing through or pushing our wisdom aside, we drop in and begin to weave our lives from the invisible  strings of our hearts and our bodies’ innate cycles.   

With the shaking of our world and systems, we are waking: to a new world, realigned with Nature, respecting our bodies and rhythms, in tune with the masculine and feminine forces that live within us. We are cyclical creatures, spiraling through this marvelous universe, each on a journey of self-discovery and realignment with the Truth, Peace, Harmony and  Love that created this whole messy, beautiful experience we call Life.   

When we support our inner femininity with our masculinity, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable enough to feel the state of the world without sacrificing our hope to the weight of it. We aren't waiting for someone to save us. We save ourselves with our balanced inner power.  


COOL RESOURCE-  Wei of Chocolate

After 11 years in the Himalayas, living in monasteries and doing retreat in a cave, Lisa Reinhardt came back to the US to share what she'd learned about meditation. An a-ha moment while eating chocolate, however, changed everything ...

It's the perfect opportunity to introduce a moment, a ritual, a break - where you take 2 minutes for yourself that you always mean to take ... but don’t, because you’re too busy.

Nearly everyone I know is too busy; working too hard, thinking too much. Yes, me too. But let me tell you a secret: pretty much everything we’re looking for - all the joy, love, compassion, insight + wisdom - is right there, waiting for us in the present moment.

Ever try to meditate by focusing on the breath? What if we focused on savoring chocolate instead!

Delicious, smooth, creamy ... layers of flavor unfold as the warmth of your body melts the chocolate - no chewing! 

Chocolate that's dairy free, soy free, gluten free and GMO free. Vegan, organic fair trade dark chocolate to enjoy with wild abandon, one extraordinary piece at a time.  Elevate your chocolate experience.  This meditation thing just got a whole lot easier.

Ahhh ... there's a reason that's the sound of enlightenment.

That symbol on top of your piece of chocolate - that's the symbol for Ahh.
You can train yourself, daily, to taste the deliciousness of the present moment.
If you can let chocolate melt in your mouth, you can learn to meditate.
Chocolate is your meditation buddy.
Chocolate is your friend. : )
Together, put a smile on your face.
Lower your blood pressure.
Restore your patience.
Enrich your life.
Be even more productive, by actually taking a break.
Try it.
You'll love it.

In order to make it easy for you to enjoy whatʼs good for you,
you can have your favorite chocolate delivered to your door every month, so youʼll never run out!

Learn more by clicking here. 



SCCT presents Deathtrap, by Ira Levin

Directed by Wendy Spurgeon

Click Here for the Details! 




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.spurgeon

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon