Discovery of the Day

The gift in being lost. I was recently working with a client who was feeling triggered by her mother and when we dug deeper we discovered that the quality in her mother that she was feeling triggered by was the quality of being "Lost". In deeper questioning we uncovered that she (the client) has exhibited that "lostness" inside of intimate relationships, that sometimes she loses herself, puts the other person's needs first, and falls off her path. We discovered that sometimes we overcompensate and try to cover up our lostness by insisting we're right, or staying stuck on a path that isn't serving us anymore, or trying to control someone else's path. And then we discovered an amazing gift in being lost!

The gift is: we can open up to the unknown, to the mystery, and discover something we could have never experienced had we not been lost. We can find out something new about ourselves and the world. We can open up to previously unexplored possibilities! We never need to make being lost wrong. We all get lost sometimes, and in the process we can find out something new and amazing about ourselves. Let us have compassion for those who are lost, and keep shining our light so that they can find their way. 


What is Spiritual Activism?

“When you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there.” ~ Mother Theresa’s response to a question about why she did not attend an anti-war rally.

Spiritual Activism is the coming together of spirituality, and activism. It is not about religion, it is not about any form of dogma, it is activism that comes from the heart, not just the head, activism that is compassionate, positive, kind, fierce and transformative. Being a spiritual activist means taking our part in creating change, with a spirit of positivity, compassion, love and a balance of interdependence and self determination. Nothing could be more inspiring and more rewarding than being the change we want to see in the world, within and without.
Below are some suggested tenets I have adapted from a group called Humanity Healing. This is not a definitive statement – just one groups suggestions – but a good set, and well worth considering.
The path of Spiritual Activism enables individuals or groups to develop the noble qualities of compassion, wisdom and gratitude. It is in itself a Path of Transformation – a Spiritual Blueprint for living. The core dynamics behind the Spiritual Keys of Activism are creativity, adaptability, understanding and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

1. All Action is Based on Compassion

When championing a Cause, the mindset must be altruistic and the motivating emotion must be positive. Spiritual Activism is action for the benefit of something, not against something.

2. Compassion Flows from the Understanding of the Connection Between All Living Beings

We are all connected through our shared Humanity. When you learn to see that our differences are superficial and our similarities manifest, sympathy (or worse, pity) gives way to compassion. Our actions shift from one of “us helping them” to one of “for the good of All”. We become One.
“The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.” ~ Thomas Merton

3. Compassion Must Be Applied With Wisdom

There are more causes that exist than an individual or group can possibly be involved with. It is important to choose your causes carefully. Learn to Act instead of React.

4. Apply Synergy and Teamwork to Accomplish Goals

Synergy is the process where two or more actions combine to produce an effect greater than the sum of its individual parts. Like ripples in a pond, spiritual actions combine and build on each other to magnify an effect beyond what each could do individually. Whenever possible, team up with others to acquire a multifaceted and more holistic approach.
“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” ~ Unknown

5. Spiritual Activism is the Pursuit of Service for the Good of All, Not for the Advancement or Benefit of Individuals or Selected Communities.

The mindset behind your actions is noble, holistic, Universal and non-partisan. Be mindful that ego and self-service have no place in Spiritual Activism.
***side note: however spiritual activism is all about Self serving – it serves your highest Self, not your ego, and is a pathway to true and deep happiness, as opposed to the temporary and unstable happiness of the ego.

6. Pursue Integrity, Honesty and Dignity in the Conduct of Your Actions

Embrace Mindfulness in the application of your activities and be aware of how your actions may be perceived by others. Machiavelli’s “The ends justify the means” has no place in Spiritual Activism. If our methods are not noble, our results will not be either. Practice Spiritual Transparency, allowing negative energies to bypass your system without harming it.
“Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is watching.” ~ Unknown

7. Do not Defame Your Detractors or Those Who Doubt You

A confrontational approach leads to a defensive reaction. Approach others with Openness and Compassion in your heart. Build on the commonalities between you instead of focusing on the differences. As much as possible, detach yourself from the results of your actions. Aspire to always be a Peacemaker.
“Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

8. Raising Another Up Raises You Up As Well

Helping another becomes a form of self-love as well as an expression of outward love. This becomes an upwardly spiraling cycle of increasing awareness, connection, compassion, involvement, capacity, and back to increasing awareness.

9. Learn to Listen to Your Heart and Not Your Mind

Your mind may only see the problem. Your heart will always feel the solution. Learn to act with Faith and cultivate a loving perception when facing collective problems.
“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

10. Search Out Viable and Sustainable Solutions

Seek out solutions that maintain or restores the dignity of individual human and their communities. Solutions that become self sustaining.
“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”

11. Spiritual Activism is about process.

The process by which you arrive at the goal is as important as reaching the goal itself. If we live the change we want to see in the world, we cannot lose. We have already won.



New Book "The Integrity Advantage" by Kelley Kosow

"A master is not one with many students. A master is one who creates other masters. Debbie Ford's work and training on the human shadows was masterful. Her faithful student Kelley Kosow now continues Debbie's work in a loving way; with great mastery. What an honor to Debbie. What a gift to the world."  Iyanla Vanzant, Author & Host of OWN's Iyanla Fix My Life

As many of you know, I did my coach training with Debbie Ford at The Ford Institute for Transformational Training, and Kelley Kosow was hand-picked by Debbie to be her successor after her passing in 2013.  My friend and mentor Kelley is now taking Debbie's work to a new level and her first book, "The Integrity Advantage" is due to launch November 1st.  You can pre-order your copy here!



Agape meal and Movie Screening!

Sunday, October 15th

12:30-1:30 Agape Meal (potluck)

1:30-2:40 The Shadow Effect Movie Screening

1915 N. Swan St. (Fellowship Hall of 1st Presbyterian)

Beneficiary: El Refugio.

October is domestic violence awareness month.  Please bring clothes, canned goods, books, art supplies, games/puzzles, etc...

Student Interfaith Alliance Panel

Tuesday, October 17th 6:00-8:00 pm

WNMU Student Interfaith Alliance has invited me and several Interfaith Leaders to speak on a relevant Social Justice issue. Where?  Miller Library on WNMU campus.

Global Sisterhood New Moon Circle

Thursday, October 19th 7:00-9:00 pm MST  (6:00-8:00 pm PST/9:00-11:00 pm EST)

The theme: 
Harmony and Polarity: I gracefully balance 
the feminine and masculine within me

Location:  Teleconference line: 1(641)552-9342 pin 798425#



Twitter: @shadow_wendy

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon