Hello everyone, hope you are having a fabulous Thursday!

If we have not met yet, I'm Wendy. I am a storyteller (former Shakespearean and Improv actress). I'm one of your grateful life coach providers here at The Way of Truth, and I am stepping into new, scary shoes as a Virtual Events producer! 

You are reading our fabulous Newsletter that comes out the 10th of each month.

Thank you for reading about this wisdom journey school for inner truth seekers called:

On these monthly newsletters, we strive to strengthen and engage the community in several ways:

  • Engaging your intellect with new scientific studies around subconscious reprogramming.
  • Gamifying self-help exercises through quizes and challenges- (Self-Love Bank)
  • Celebrating the wins!  Introducing you to each other...because you are all so inspiring!
  • Asking for your engagement. We are here to meet you, exactly where you are, so we can support you to get where you want to go.  Coaching begins with a conversation.
  • Sharing personal stories of transformation, letting ourselves be seen, being vulnerable when it is in service to ourselves and the community.
  • Announcing PRO-FOUND (PRO = Premium, Professionally Delivered + FOUND = Free, Low-Cost, or Flexible Payment) Transformation Opportunities.

So, if you are new to the community, or if you've been here a while thinking "What is this place and what's going on?", WELCOME! We are so happy you are here!!!

We're all experiencing a strange paradigm shift in time and history, so leaning into an encouraging, supportive, life-affirming community wherever you can find it is a very great thing, I say! Your presence magnifies our transformation, you make this community great.

Can I tell you that in my heart of hearts, I'd really love for this community to catch on?

Here's how you can help:

  • Engage in the free membership. Take us up on the Free Annual Vision Coaching call and the monthly laser calls.  Test it out! Give us feedback!  
  • Check out the Free Group Coaching Calls every month on Full Moon and New Moon.  These are gatherings where you can be exactly who you are and where you are, without judgment, and be held in your highest with exemplary support and compassion.
  • Volunteer in the Beta Groups. We will need to train and hire more life coaches sooner than we might think!  If you are interested in Life Coach Training and Apprenticeship, that's where we want you to go!
  • Are you a transformation specialist? Do you have a class you'd like to teach in this community?  Would you enjoy the services of a Virtual Producer or Writer to support your vision? There are so many ways we can grow together!
  • Testimonials and Referrals. YOU and Your Transformation are the social proof that will help this community grow and serve more people PRO-FOUNDly.


Just wanted to welcome you, one and all, and invite to you to engage with The Way of Truth!


Now, an update on Autumn Equinox (if you were paying attention, lol!)

We are moving the Virtual Innovation Summit to Spring Equinox 2021

In it's place we invite you to an Autumn Equinox Virtual Storytelling Festival!

Let's champion the Storytellers, finding their way through the bogs of technology to reach us with their stories! Let's applaud the community theatres, museums, libraries, and poetry groups that are stretching beyond their comfort zones to bring us stories!

Gathering with the family around a zoom performance reminds me of the days when families gathered around the radio... Live performances have a different feel than watching TV or a Movie.... because it's alive! We're experiencing each other in the present moment.

Storytellers bring us together.  We don't have to like each other to sit down near one another to hear a good story! We choose to drop our resistance, and tune in as a collective for this special shared experience.

Storytellers open our imaginations, and quite easily begin mentally rehearsing what it might be like to walk in another person's shoes.  In spite of ourselves, we find compassion in our hearts where we recently held grave judgments! We see parts of ourselves in the characters before us, and we can see how, "there but for the grace of God go I"!  We experience revelations and new insights about ourselves when we observe the stories of others from the outside. We gain new perspectives.

Storytellers give us the perfect excuse to weep, rage and laugh, be delighted and surprised even as the world is falling apart outside.  It's a brief respite that is nothing short of miraculous. We grow in our empathy. We give ourselves permission to feel big feelings, and we experience healing from feeling.

Storytellers affirm it is safe for us to temporarily and willingly suspend our disbelief, they skillfully lull us into the trance of story, and open our minds and hearts to new perspectives and possibilities. 

Let's celebrate and support the virtual storytellers around Autumn Equinox, as we begin to wind down and go inside for the winter.  Let's enjoy some Virtual Storytimes Together.  

Please reach out if you have a story you'd like to share! I will be sending out promotions for the virtual storytelling events I find, and... I may Virtually Produce Something Special....keep posted! Much Love, Wendy and Chellee



Welcome the New Moon in Virgo on 9/17.

It’s time to get honest and to cut the cords with behaviors that drain our power.



The Harvest Moon on 10/01 will emotionally test us all. We can overcome adversity and insecurities through perseverance.  We have the opportunity this Full Moon to shed light on our life’s purpose.

Our Full Moon Masterclass is all about Lighting your Fire: Sparking your Inner Motivation to Reach your Goals and Change your Life!





Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon