The Game of Gratitude 

All prosperity begins in the mind and is dependent only on the full use of our creative imagination.  -​Ruth Ross 

This month’s New Moon theme of Vibrant Gratitude is an invitation for us to practice opening our perception to the blessings that are all around us and to receive these gifts with an open heart and mind. This game is a wonderful way to practice how to stay playful with the practice of gratitude. 

To make this really fun, it’s best to have at least 3 friends to play with.  Enjoy and make it your own.   

To most efficiently explain ​how to play​, here’s an example with an imaginary group of 3 sisters: Sara, Adele, and Lucia.    

Sara turns to face Adele. She looks at her in the eyes, and says, “Adele, I appreciate  your sense of humor, the way that you listen with your whole body, and how seen I feel in your presence.   And I give to you a flying carpet, woven of the finest gold, that will carry you and whomever you desire anywhere in the world.”   

Then the Adele responds, saying, “I accept this flying carpet, woven of the finest gold, that will carry me and whomever I desire anywhere in the world, and I invite all of my sisters to fly with me to have dessert in the finest restaurant in Paris.”   

Then Adele turns to Lucia and says, “Lucia, I appreciate how kind you are, your imaginative way with words, and how open-minded and adaptive you are.   And I give you one thousand tiny unicorns that fit in the palm of your hand.”   

Lucia then says, “I accept these one thousand tiny unicorns that fit in the palm of my hand, and I create a unicorn sanctuary where they can continue to thrive in the  woods.”      

Then Lucia turns to Sara and says, “Sara, I appreciate how strong of a leader you are, how gracefully you facilitate and hold space for others, and how you’re always there for me when I need you.  And I give to you a magic mirror that will give you anything your heart desires.”   

Sara says, “Thank you, Lucia. I accept this magic mirror that will give me anything my heart desires, and I create the home of my dreams, move in with my family, and thrive for all time on the most beautiful land, with my soul community.”

By now, you’re beginning to get the idea.    

● The first person appreciates the person to their right and gifts them with something fantastical. The more imaginative, fun, and creative the better. (Remember: laughter is one of the best medicines!)  

● Then the person who was gifted has to accept the gift and tell us all what they're going to do with the gift.  

● Then the circle continues until it comes back around to the first person. 

● This can work even in a circle where people are meeting for the first time.  We can always find something to appreciate about another person.    

The key is to have fun, keep it light, and open up your imagination and receptive heart to feeling grateful.  Also, this is a reminder that imagination is real magic.  If you can believe it,  you can create it. 



"Giving Thanks" (Adapted from a Native American Blessing)

Let us not forget that there would be no Pilgrim holiday, no Thanksgiving in North American culture, if it were not for the Native Americans…. From the story and myth of the first Thanksgiving we are told of a coming together of Native Americans and Pilgrims from Europe, and how they put aside cultural differences, their religious prejudices, and any fear of the unknown or any xenophobia, and they sat down to eat together, thereby practicing interfaith hospitality, cooperation, and peace.

It is out of respect for the Native Americans, that I now offer this Offertory prayer:

Let us, for this moment, become aware of the beauty of our lives, and the grace that attends to beauty…. Grandfather, we are thankful for the gifts of the Sun, and Grandmother, for the gifts of the Earth … We give thanks for the times of meaning, the times of purposes, our times together…

Let us reflect on our struggles and how they have enabled and ennobled our growth;  If we but shut our eyes, even for a moment, we can awaken to wonder;

And then we see with new eyes, the land, the sea, the creatures, one another…

And if we can feel a sense of gratitude, that grace will grow corn in our hearts, then we know beauty, then we know you, O Great Spirit … Ah Ho…

We are all connected to the earth… We are all relations…..

Click Here for Audio: Appreciative Heart Prayer (3 minutes)



My Gifts of Thanks for You!

Choose One of Seven Free Hypnosis Audios

  1. Eliminate Stress
  2. Achieve Your Goals
  3. Attitude of Gratitude
  4. Law of Attraction
  5. Find Your Life Purpose
  6. Positive Thinking
  7. Visualization Success 




11/30-12/2 & 12/7-12/9

Silver City Community Theatre presents "Deathtrap", by Ira Levin

Click Here for Ticket information


Global Sisterhood New Moon Web-Circle

Friday, 12/7/18 @ 3:00 pm MST

This new moon theme:   Vibrant Gratitude: I am cultivating prosperity and abundance in my life

Astrology of this new moon:   Sagittarius (Fire Sign) - Gratitude, Vision, Bigger Picture, Enthusiasm, Philosopher,  Search for Wisdom 

Click Here for Registration, Reminders, and Recordings


Auditions for Marjorie Prime (a new Pulitzer-nominated play by Jordan Harrison)

Directed by Hallie Harris

Monday 12/10 4-6pm
Saturday 12/15 10:30a-1:30pm
Callbacks Monday 12/17 4-6pm

in the Silver City Public Library meeting room
515 W College Ave, Silver City, NM 88061

Sign up for your audition slot today!

No experience required. Come down and show us what you've got. Sign up for a 20 minute audition slot at the library bulletin board or via email ( 




Happy Thanksgiving All!  You are a blessing and a gift!

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon