It's nearly harvest time, Wendy!  

On the 10th of the month, The Way of Truth newsletter arrives! We hope you're still liking it, let us know if you'd like off the list.  May your fruits of wisdom ripen for timely harvest!

We are all intimately connected with the movements of the Earth. No matter how removed we may be from the soil, even those who live and work in high rise buildings are influenced by the movements of the planet – whether they tune into it or not.

When you do tune in, you give yourself a profound gift. You acknowledge your connectivity to all living beings, and to the Earth itself.

This can open up doorways for your own growth, progress and transformation as, assisted by the natural cycles of this planet we share, you purposefully harness that energy for your own life shifts.

In ancient times, before high rise buildings, electric lights, airtight houses and computers, humans the world over acknowledged the cycles of nature, and the seasonal shifts.

It’s amazing to me that in various different cultures on so many diverse spots on the planet humans somehow knew when solstices and equinoxes occurred. Without telescopes and GPS, the stars and the sun told them when to acknowledge and celebrate these transitions.

How To Use The Energy Of Equinox

Autumn Equinox is an optimal time to clarify your intention and direction. Where do you want to be come spring? This is a time to re-envision and re-energize your goals.

The energy of this season invites long term planning and incubation. Seeds of ideas planted now can burst forth next spring, transformed and strengthened by their time in the unconscious.

Use this energy of the Equinox to connect with your inner knowing.

This is a season of roots. Roots take their time to grow, sweeten and develop their nourishment. They spend months deep in the earth, hibernating and slowing growth.

During fall we become like those roots, it’s good to make time for sleep, rest and renewal. If you allow this time for replenishment you’ll be more primed to tune the wisdom – that is ready to rise and flourish now at midlife.

Use the power of nature’s cycles to open to your own deep knowing and intuition. Some ways to let this in are to write, meditate, walk in nature and savor the loveliness of the changing colors.... and enjoy good friends and music!

Sun 9/12 SCCT Radio Hour S2 E2:  Spotlight on Gaye Rock! 

Join us as we get to know our dear friend, local voice teacher, musician, zoom and radio performer Gaye Rock as she shares a beautiful range of vocal selections from her recent radio shows and zoom recitals. 

Tune in to KURU 89.1 FM, or online at this Sunday @ 5pm MST!

And Coming Soon to The Way of Truth...

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon