A woman who is whole unto herself, and remembers she always has been. A woman that stands strong in her power, and no longer gives it away. A woman who rises beyond the expectations of society. A woman who chooses to define herself.


A Glimpse into the Theme:

This month's theme is Sovereign Woman: I rise beyond society's expectations.

For millennia, women were expected to remain demure, passive, and quite frankly -- less than men. Yet ultimately, this is not about men -- it's about systems. Entire systems were set up which exonerated masculine qualities, and belittled the feminine essence. As a result, many women needed to conform within these societal structure to stay safe.  We saw what happened when women were rebellious and chose to be educated, outspoken, or empowered. Often, they were quite literally killed. As a result, we learned to fit into the boxes society wanted us to fit in, and we hid the full truth of who we really are, along with the unique genius and wildness living in our hearts. In many cases, women had lost touch with their essence in such extremes, that they played an instrumental part in building the current patriarchal systems we are currently dismantling. This is still happening in many places today, and it is up to us to change that, starting with ourselves.

We draw inspiration from the recent new moon in Virgo, which is the sign known as the Virgin. But virgin doesn't mean what you may think it does. We were taught that a woman's worth often lied with her virginity -- her purity, and her ability to comply. Culturally, we were taught that when a woman first has sex, her virginity is "taken" by the man. But the true meaning of "virgin" is "a woman who is whole unto herself." This means that a Virgin is really a Sovereign Woman; a true empowered woman who cannot be owned or completed by anyone, because she completes herself. And no man can take away that wholeness.

This one's for the women who want to burst through the glass ceiling. This one's for the women whose cultures keep them small and quiet. This one's for the girls who have to fight to be able to go to school and get an education. This one's for the woman CEO's who fight through incredible odds to rise in a business world dominated by men. This one's for the women who are on a mission, applying their unique gifts to create change in their communities and the world. This one's for the women who were taught that they are not enough or too much, and who have a wild wolf inside of them who is ready to emerge and fiercely own her power. This one is for the woman rebels who want to color outside the lines, travel the world, love who they want to love, and walk their own path because it's what's true to them.

This one is for the untamable, unbreakable, powerful wild woman within all of us. This one is for the collective feminine force rising on our planet. This one's about defying expectations and claiming our power. This one's for the new feminine paradigm that is emerging within us all. Welcome to the theme of Sovereign Woman.

Inner Work:


  • Bring to mind an example of a time that you were rebellious or defied expectations. What motivated you? What was the experience like for you? What happened as a result of this in your life and in your community?


  • What is your current growth edge around being a sovereign woman and fully owning your power? In other words, where may you still be giving your power away, or changing yourself to fit in?


  • Are there any glass ceilings or limitations in your life? If so, what are they? Think not only collectively -think personally, and get specific.


  • Be conscious of your thoughts and beliefs around who you need to be in order to be a successful woman. You may even consider talking to your mother or a female role model and discussing this with them.


  • Think of a situation in your life where you are giving away your power by believing that you are broken, unable to heal, or incapable of being fully empowered. Reflect on an action step you can do towards transforming this.


  • Make a list of the inherited beliefs/expectations you have which hold you back from being fully expressed as a sovereign woman. Reflect on childhood especially, and the things you were told or taught by parents, teachers, adults, the media, etc. Ceremonially burn the list!


Our shadow, or dark side, contains all the parts of ourselves that we resist, dislike, and try to hide. Convinced that these aspects are unacceptable, many of us expend huge amounts of energy trying to get rid of our "bad" qualities.

But what if, instead of trying to hide or fix these so-called flaws, we looked for the gifts inherent in them? For example, the gift of weakness might be that we allow others to support us. Anger may give us the gift of being able to set healthy boundaries or ask for what we need. An upsetting situation or broken relationship could lead us to read a life-changing book.

When we receive the gifts of our dark side, our self-love is restored as the parts of us we once believed to be our deepest flaws are revealed as valuable assets.


Your Self-Love Assignment:  Find the Gifts of Your Shadow! 

  • Make a list of two of your flaws, faults, or shortcomings. For example, are you lazy? Are you critical of yourself or others? Are you a jealous or easily angered person?


  • Next to each of the shadow aspects that you identify, write down two gifts you've received from this quality, or two ways this quality has served you. Using the examples above, you would ask yourself, "How has my laziness served me?" Does it allow you to rest when you need it? Does it make you easy to be around? If you can't think of any, ask a friend to share what they see as the gift of that quality.


  • Look again at your list, acknowledging all the benefits of this shadow aspect, and all the ways you've been blessed by these qualities you once judged. 


Want more?  Watch THE SHADOW EFFECT movie, on us!

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts lead to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.

New York Times best-selling author Debbie Ford exposes the opposing forces of both light and dark that compete for attention within every human being. Ford presents the hidden power of “The Shadow,” and she is joined by some of today’s most provocative thinkers, including Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, James Van Praagh.

In this life-altering journey, individuals who have transcended child abuse, racism, the Holocaust, war, and wounded upbringings, share their remarkable stories. Meet those who have learned to face their terror, heal their wounds, and embrace their higher, heroic selves to overcome the shadow effect. Ford guides the viewer through eight exercises designed to reveal the shadow effect in their own lives and presents them with opportunities to transcend personal limitations.

Click Here to Watch the video (1 hour, 7 minutes)




Full Moon Saturday, Sept. 14th

The backbone of human behavior is EMOTIONAL RESPONSE. If you, or I, or ANYONE wants to deepen relationships, win friends or have any kind of influence, the secret is emotional connection and response.

Most often we do not act based on logic or reason…we make many of our choices based on how we feel. It’s emotional intelligence that is at the heart of cooperation, inner peace, and turning difficult situations into tales of inspiration & accomplishment.

You’re invited to join me for a no-cost training as we discuss how to master our emotional responses, connect deeply and help others do the same. The benefits of deeper relationships, better connections and less conflict is worth all the time and effort required to become a better communicator. To get in on this training, simply click the link below.

Are you Emotionally Smart?

Optimize Your EQ for Better Relationships and a More Fulfilling LIFE

Click Here for Registration and Worksheets



September Featured Self-Study Coaching Challenge

Coming Soon: September 16-21


Ever heard of a Power Hour?

1. While at work, make a detailed list of everything you need to get done.
2. Set a timer for 60 minutes, and the most important item first.
3. Only work on one thing at a time.
4. Work as hard as you can with no FB, bathroom or YouTube breaks.
5. When your timer dings, get up and stretch. Maybe eat a piece of chocolate.

Chances are, you’ll accomplish more in that one hour than you usually do in half a day. Almost all humans work GREAT under pressure, so give yourself a voluntary “time crunch” and see what happens. ;)

For a LIMITED TIME....SEPTEMBER 16TH - 21ST ONLY.... The Way of Truth Sacred Journey Portal is offering a FREE online course on TIME MANAGEMENT. This Self-Study Course normally sells for $97, but the world needs your fire please receive this nudge, courtesy of The Way of Truth team.

Just use the coupon code AWAKENING to access this powerful course for free!

Want to learn more productivity tricks? Registration opens soon!




Your Sisterhood Awaits!  New Moon Circle September 28th

We believe it is important for women to circle in ways that are appropriate to their unique culture, traditions, and community which is naturally happening world-wide.

The unifying thread in the Global Sisterhood is that every Sister Circle will add the 10 minute Heart Meditation followed by the monthly Theme Activation which connects all the women on an energetic level and together shifts the collective consciousness.

This new moon in Libra, the theme is “Masculine and Feminine: I find balance.”

Astrology of this new moon: Libra (Air sign) - Harmony, balance, fair-minded, graciousness,  peace, polarity, partnership, collaboration, symmetry, justice

Join us, Your Sisterhood Awaits on September 28th!



Enjoy 60% off when you register by October 12th!

Healing Your Heart Coaching will help you to:

  • Make peace with your past relationships and use them as the catalyst to learn and grow.
  • Release you from feelings of fear, resentment, blame, revenge, or other sabotaging emotions that keep you bound to the past and rob you of love, intimacy and deep connection.
  • Transform the broken relationships in your life.
  • Navigate a complicated relationship with a parent, child, boss, co-worker, friend, family member, significant other, ex, or co-parent.
  • Break free of your patterns and attracting the same kinds of unfulfilling relationships over and over and over again.
  • Make a decision about ending or staying in your current relationship.
  • Heal your broken heart.
  • Ignite your spark, your sexuality, or your innate desire to share love with another human being.

If you are ready to turn heartache into wisdom and create the fulfilling relationships you desire, then this deep, profound, and life-changing coaching model is for you. You should not wait another day to heal your heart and open up to the love and connection your soul yearns for!

Redeem your coupon for 60% off the Healing Your Heart Coaching Program by October 12th, 2019

Click Here to Schedule your FREE Healing Your Heart Introductory Coaching Session!


Queen, Priestess, Wild Woman-You are whole as you are. So own your power.

You have shed thousands of years of conditioning like a snake does its skin as you spiral deeper into your heart's truest desires.

You are a rebel, birthing a revolution each time you say "NO" to a system that does not truly honor your unmeasurable feminine spirit.

For you and all the daughters of this earth, keep breaking through.

Break through the glass ceilings. Break through the stereotypes. Break through the expectations.

You are here to break the mold, and remember your own.

With an owl on your shoulder and a sword at your side, you are your own kind of warrior; a whole woman, untamable, unbreakable, with a compassionate and sovereign heart made of gold, dirt, and stardust.

This new moon is your time to rise Like a phoenix from the earth. A Global Sisterhood is rising by your side.

With Love.... and Remembering the Way of Truth,

Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!


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You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon