When the Play's the Thing...

Hi everyone,  I'm just coming down from a very meaningful Easter.  I was Producer, and Mary Magdalene, in an adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar over Holy Week.  April 1st marked our final Easter performance, and the exit of my contract with Silver City United Church of Christ.  I will remain on the board as a volunteer Moderator, but I am no longer responsible for planning and implementing weekly worship services.  

It was September of 2015 when I finally stopped resisting the voice that was calling me to Silver City.  I didn't know anyone there, there was no job waiting, no reason at all to comply...but the call was consistent and wouldn't let me be. "You need to go to Silver City.  You need to go to that UCC church."  I resisted for months, but then one day I had no more excuses.  So I went.

Inside the Woman's Club a small circle of chairs were arranged and I was greeted with surprise and welcome.  We sat in circle and participated in an interactive and engaging worship service and conversation.  At the end, the new pastor I had just met an hour earlier announced his resignation.  Strangely, I wasn't surprised or fearful.  I heard the thought, "Maybe I'm here to be a part of the transition." 

Long story short, I immediately became their representative to the Southwest Conference of UCC in Phoenix, AZ and began traveling there on a near monthly basis to serve on the Executive Board.  Silver City shortly hired me as their Events Director, and Service Coordinator.  I began to receive invitations to lead workshops and speak at non-profit organizations in town.  I hosted women's coaching circles, and directed staged readings.  

For all of my loving work, our membership dwindled, and we no longer have enough members to sustain as a weekly worship service church, and honestly I've been scared.... but a new ministry is emerging.  The success of the Jesus Christ Superstar Project has opened our eyes.  The community came out in droves, as if thirsty for spiritual connection through music and storytelling.  We traveled our small troupe to 3 different venues for performances on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Many came to see it 2 or 3 times, bringing friends and family with them to experience this event.  

Silver City United Church of Christ is moving into a new way of truth, and a new way of being church in the world.  As I step away from the old way of being, I am finding exquisite support to emerge into the performing arts minister that I was called here to be.  

The moral of the story is: Play with your Life.  Allow your imagination and creativity to guide you. Try on new roles you've never considered.  Follow your Call.  Even if it doesn't make any sense to you.  Even if you're scared out of your mind.  When you say yes, and show up in service in whatever ways you are able, something beyond reason happens.  Doors open, relationships form, paid work opportunities come knocking, and the very best of your creativity and focus blossom.  Just say yes. Show up. Bless and be blessed. 


Less Thinking and More Feeling, by Madisyn Taylor

When we begin to listen with our hearts rather than our heads, our whole world changes and becomes softer.  

Most of us were born and raised in cultures that value the head over the heart and, as a result, we place our own hearts below our heads in a sort of inner hierarchy of which we may not be conscious. What this means is that we tend to listen and respond from the neck up, often leaving the rest of our bodies with little or no say in most matters. This is a physical habit, which sometimes feels as ingrained as the way we breathe or walk. However, with effort and awareness, we can shift the energy into our hearts, listening and responding from this much deeper, more resonant place.

The brain has a masterful way of imposing structure and order on the world, creating divisions and categories, devising plans and strategies. In many ways, we have our brains to thank for our survival on this planet. However, as is so clear at this time, we also need the wisdom of our hearts if we wish to continue surviving in a viable way. When we listen from our heart, the logical grid of the brain tends to soften and melt, which enables us to perceive the interconnectedness beneath the divisions and categories we use to organize the world. We begin to understand that just as the heart underlies the brain, this interconnectedness underlies everything.

Many agree that this is the most important work we can do at this time in history, and there are many practices at our disposal. For a simple start, try sitting with a friend and asking him to tell you about his life at this moment. For 10 minutes or more, try to listen without responding verbally, offering suggestions, or brainstorming solutions. Instead, breathe into your heart and your belly, listening and feeling instead of thinking. When you do this, you may find that it's much more difficult to offer advice and much easier to identify with the feelings your friend is sharing. You may also find that your friend opens up more, goes deeper, and feels he has really been heard. If you also feel great warmth and compassion, almost as if you are seeing your friend for the first time, then you will know that you have begun to tap the power of listening with your heart. 


COOL RESOURCE- Your Holiness, by Debbie Ford

Although she passed away five years ago, my beloved spiritual teacher Debbie Ford, has left a powerful legacy with her new book, YOUR HOLINESS.

Through world-renowned medium, James Van Praagh, her sister, Arielle Ford, received a clear message that Debbie wanted to share with the world a life-changing prayer book.  Arielle had no idea that she had written such a book, but once James shared the messages, a quick search unearthed this beautiful, enlightening, and inspiring work.

What you may not know about Debbie and WHY she wrote this book:

Decades ago, Debbie was a drug addict.

At a certain point she knew that if she didn’t get help, she was going to die.
On the tenth day of her 4th rehab center, she was getting ready to run away in search of drugs. Instead, she went into a bathroom, with a very dirty floor, she got on her hands and knees and prayed, and God responded and gave her the strength to get sober.

In this recently discovered book, Debbie combines motivational prayers with deeply personal stories about her own spiritual journey. She translates her experience into a practical path for transformation.

This book is very prescriptive and will lead you back to your inner wisdom and Divine Self. This book is for anyone who yearns to be closer to God, and/or suffers with hard or soft addictions, self-loathing, self-sabotage, and also anyone with a desire to be deeply connected to their highest and true divine self.

In this book Debbie writes:
“What you are seeking at the deepest level exists inside of you, in the quietude of your own inner world, in the privacy of your own sweet heart. So now it’s your responsibility, your holy responsibility, to encode your consciousness with thoughts, feelings and images that will support you in creating the perfect internal environment to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with the one you call God. This is the force that loves you, cheers for you and wants it all for you. In a world where love leaves as quickly as it comes, you can rest now, knowing that you have found a love that will never leave you, never misguide you, and never ever let you down. My advice, dear friend, is take great care of that Love. It will give you everything you’ve been looking for.”

At a time of such uncertainty and suffering, Debbie’s words ground us in the here and now with its timeless and empowering message of relentless love and strength.

When you buy the book, you will receive amazing bonuses, including a very deep and personal video interview Arielle recently did with her (via James Van Praagh), audio’s of her meditations, and more.

Click Here to get your copy PLUS bonuses! 



I'm Singing on the Radio! 

Saturday 4/14 @1:30 Mountain Time/12:30 Pacific

Tune in to Gila/Mimbres Community Radio & KURU 89.1 FM or Click Here for the GMCR/KURU Web Stream.

My friend Rick and I are singing live as part of their pledge drive, so check us out!  I may even sing a few of Mary Magdalene's songs from Jesus Christ Superstar! 


Global Sisterhood New Moon Tele-Circle

Sunday 4/15 @ 6:00 pm PST/7:00 MST/9:00 EST

Our Monthly Theme:  Courageous Heart: I reclaim my true worth, voice and power

Click Here to Register and/or receive the recording and bonus exercises


Earth Day Celebration

Saturday 4/21 from 10 am- 2 pm in Gough Park 


Sacred Masculine Heart Full Moon Tele-Circle ( formerly Noble Spirits)

Sunday 4/29 @ 6:00  pm PST/7:00 MST/9:00 EST

Our Monthly Theme:  Grounded Mysticism:  I am going deep, physically merging with Earth

Click Here to Register and/or receive the recording and bonus exercises




Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/wendy.spurgeon

Book a FREE 30 minute coaching/mentoring call!  I'd love to connect with you. Schedule Here.

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon