Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but TRUE HAPPINESS still eludes them.

Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold, and truly willing to commit to a few simple steps, happiness will be yours.  Try this:

  1. Quit Complaining.

The first step to finding happiness is to stop trying to find what’s wrong with the world around you. There’s plenty to complain about, but if you focus all of your attention there, you’ll never see the good stuff.


  1. Choose To Live In Love.

Falling in love with the world (and people) around you is a sure step toward happiness…and it’s easy. Simply accept people for who they are, and choose to see the good in them. Don’t expect it…CHOOSE it…then express it.


  1. Appreciate Everything.

Start expressing your gratitude every day. If you’d like, keep a gratitude journal and write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every morning. Before long, you’ll have more things to appreciate than you can count.

Becoming happy may mean “looking silly” sometimes or changing A LOT of your current habits, but I promise you…it sure beats the alternative.

What can YOU do to create more happiness in your life TODAY?

Since August 17th, our Life Happiness and Success Coach, Chellee Chase has been going live with a scientifically proven daily practice that will get you feeling great, focusing on the positive, and moving forward boldly in the direction of your dreams. 

 A little bit of research will show you that your habitual thoughts create your reality, and therefore, changing your thoughts changes your reality! Read more about the Science Here.

Are you willing to make the daily commitment to stepping into your power?

If so, Choose to Live your Happiness with Love and Gratitude... Join us Monday through Friday at 10 am Mountain time
But don't stop there!!
Create your 2021 Vision and your Action Plan to Reach It.
Compliment your Creative Morning Magic with a Virtual Coffee Date with Wendy!

SCROOGE AND DICKENS, an original holiday musical, is streaming on demand exclusively here at The Way of Truth December 21, 2020 through January 7, 2021.

SCROOGE AND DICKENS is the intertwined story of how the book "A Christmas Carol" came to be written in six weeks and offers a fresh take for audiences to experience this timeless classic. 

“This is mostly true, although some license was taken with dialogue--I don't know if Mrs. Dickens was so helpful or why exactly Dickens chose the name.  Dickens did have money troubles at the time, he was serializing "Martin Chuzzlewit" at the time, and it was originally just a money-making scheme, which he grew to love,” says J.B. Shea, the playwright and co-author (with Charles Dickens). 

“I think the audience will be delighted to discover the original songs set to music of Christmas carols, which had been written before 1843, when the book was written”, muses Wendy Spurgeon, the production’s director/narrator and former Artistic Director in Residence at Oasis. 

Reserve your exclusive, private family showing of Scrooge and Dickens, and be inspired!  Watch how even Ebenezer Scrooge can:

  1. Quit Complaining
  2. Choose to Live in Love, and
  3. Appreciate Everything!

SCROOGE AND DICKENS stars an ensemble cast of talented local actors and singers playing multiple parts and features Mel Gelb, as “Scrooge”, William Knuttinen, as “Dickens”, and Mia Riley, as “Tiny Tim”. 

The original cast from Silver City's 2019 live production at Oasis Coffee and Tea House re-unite for this innovative 2020 Re-boot. Check out our own Chellee Chase as "Mrs. Dickens", and the voice of Jacob Marley!  

Click Here for a Preview!

The Dickens Household scenes are presented by the original actors over zoom, and the Scrooge scenes are presented via classic illustrations, masterfully animated and underscored by Christopher Wellman of Mystic Way Productions.

To reserve your exclusive, at-home, family holiday screening from Dec 21,2020 - Jan, 7, 2021, Pay What You Can HERE.


And Coming Soon to The Way of Truth....

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon