If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut of inertia—in business or in life—you know the sense of helpless futility that seems to take over. 

You want your business or life to change, but you feel powerless to do anything about it yourself. You may find yourself constantly making plans to improve these areas, but never quite get around to taking action because it seems so intimidating. 

Though taking action might feel intimidating and frightening, it's also a secret weapon you can use to empower you and make you fierce! If you learn to use it effectively, it can provide the fuel to keep you moving forward toward more fulfilling circumstances. 

When you do this, you realize that there was never anything to fear in the first place, and you’ll quite possibly never get stuck again. Below are three simple steps that show you how to get started: 

  1. First, be sure you understand that your business and life is the way it is right now because of your hesitation in taking action.This is important, because you’ll understand the importance of moving forward no matter how anxious it makes you feel at first. 

Then, decide on one action to take to get the ball rolling. Think about your business or life right now, and ask yourself which situations you want to change first. You might choose your relationships, health, financial situation, business networking or anything else that makes you feel powerless and stuck.

Then think about one simple action you can take to inspire some positive change. It doesn’t have to be a huge action, just SOMETHING to start building momentum. It’s time to become fierce. 

  1. Once you’ve decided on your action step, you’ll have to push yourself to take it no matter what.This may seem incredibly difficult or even scary, but remember that most often the things you fear are not going to happen. In fact, you may not even have a clear reason for feeling scared—you’re just afraid of the “unknown.” 

Give yourself a pep talk or push yourself in any way you have to in order to move forward at least a little bit. After you take that first step, be sure to let go of any expectations of the things that will happen because of it, and allow yourself to feel great simply because you did something about it. 

  1. Repeat with the same step and/or others.Once you’ve taken one step forward, you’ll need to keep pushing yourself to take others. Consider this: even if you take a hundred small steps in a month, you’ll be putting forth positive effort to make changes in your business and life, which cannot help but bring about better circumstances. 

The good news is that taking action quickly begins to build momentum. Just like chronic non-action can create a cycle of negativity and stagnation over time, being proactive can create a positive cycle that continues to grow. It gets easier the more you do it, which eventually makes it seem almost effortless.

To Your Success,

With Love... and Remembering the Way of Truth, 


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!

Chellee Chase, Writer and Life Happiness Coach

P.S.  Did you miss last night's webinar?  Catch the Replay HERE!


As Debbie Ford said, “The antidote to self-sabotage is self-love”  That’s why we have carefully crafted the Self-Love Journey Membership.

This powerful life coaching membership will show you how.  It gives you all the tools and insights you need by working at your own pace from the comfort of your home or office.  And here’s the best part! The investment is only $47/month/$17 trial month. 

Here’s all you get…

  • The Self-Love Bank Program (52 weekly self-love assignments)
  • Annual 60 minute Vision Coaching Call
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  • 2 (30 minute) mentor calls per month, as needed, with your Certified Life Coach, to support your self-accountability toward your goals
  • Patrick's Day Special! Register by March 17th, 2020 and receive Breakthrough Shadow Training- a $1,200 value for free as part of your membership! 

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Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon