This month's theme is Free the Voice: I speak my truth.

We know the root cause of why women don't feel confident using our voices -- we have been silenced for millennia, and many of us have been in grave danger for speaking our truth. But now, if we don't do the work of freeing our voices, we are perpetuating this history for future generations. Freeing the voice isn’t just about the voice itself, but about the infinite forms of feminine expression being free. Learning how to speak the truth of our heart with presence and clarity in a nonviolent and graceful way elevates our relationships, our careers, and our self-esteem. It helps us tell the people in our lives and the universe what we need and want… and in this way, we may receive what our hearts have been longing for.

Our raw truth and our stories NEED to be heard... and witnessed. We will not alter our voices or our expression to simply please people or be something that we are not. We will not be silenced or spoken over anymore. Our wisdom will be heard and respected. It's time to listen to the voice and the truth of the unbridled feminine force. May it always be with authenticity and a fierce devotion to truth. It's time to Free the Voice! 


Knowing how to express your truth improves your relationships, your creativity, and your personal power to manifest.

Generally speaking, women are taught that we must keep others happy in order to be seen as a nurturing feminine figure, even if that means silencing ourselves and our truth. In fact, what helps us step into our true feminine power is learning to authentically communicate our truth so that we can speak our needs, voice our opinions, and share our wisdom.

There is no wrong way to be YOU. Your authentic expression is not a territory that others can rightfully judge, because you know what is real for you. We as women need to trust our true selves and trust our voices so that we can be ourselves fully, instead of placing a filter over our expression.


Your Self-Love Assignment:

  • This week, acknowledge the areas in your life where you're able to make powerful requests. In what situations or relationships are you able to clearly ask for what you need? With your clients or co-workers? With your children or friends?


  • Now notice the places where you're unable to ask for what you need and identify what stops you from making powerful requests. Is it embarrassment? Fear of rejection? Lack of confidence?


  • Allow yourself to see what belief, thought, or fear you'd have to give up in order to clearly state your needs and desires.


  • And finally, identify two powerful requests you could make this week that would move you in the direction you want to go.


Often when we express our truth, big changes happen in our life because we are coming into deeper integrity and sovereignty within ourselves. Anything that falls away during this time of truth is not serving you as you become a more aligned version of yourself. Trust it -- and trust that beautiful people, opportunities, and abundance will come your way that are more aligned than ever before.

Expressing ourselves authentically can "rock the boat" in our relationships -- but this rocking is really helping our relationships get into alignment. If a relationship reorients around truth, it is truly reorienting around love. Some relationships last through these initiations, while others may simply fall away.

As women step up and own the power of their voices across the world, we will see more and more women stepping into their purpose and expressing the full spectrum of their gifts. This can impact the areas of career, leadership, innovation, equality, government, and so much more. There is a movement of women stepping into the power of their voices, and YOU are a part of it. This creates a ripple effect within our families, communities, and the world.

Reflection Questions:

  • What passions, truths, or ways of being have you been hiding?  How might this be affecting your relationship to family, career, or personal fulfillment?


  • What have you been afraid to say?  To whom, and why?


  • What are the common thoughts in your mind that hold you back from trusting your voice and expressing yourself fully?


  1.  Look at what social interactions make you feel uncomfortable, and why.  Use this as a tool to dig deep and learn about yourself -- and what truths may need to be expressed to bring harmonious relationships.
  2. Write down three situations where you have been holding back your truth.  Consider setting up a time to share these truths with people you are close with.
  3. Reflect on where you are not being authentic to yourself, and do the work to move energy through expression to bring yourself into alignment. 




Opening the Throat Chakra
Steph Schwartz
Yoga Every Day
S4:Ep19 Hatha All Levels-1, 2

17 mins

Clearing energy in our throat region allows us to speak our Truth, or apply Satya more freely.

In today’s practice with Steph we will use chanting and asana to open up the throat chakra. We will explore what it takes to state our truth even it means sometimes saying “no.”

Instructor/Host: Steph Schwartz

Click Here for Opening the Throat Chakra (17 minute VIDEO)




June 10th -17th- This week only!

The Genius Within Self-Study Coaching Challenge

Imagine…you could live a life of TRUE integrity…
You could live a life in which you JUST DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO…and do it all the time…
You could truly EXCEL, and allow your inner genius to shine…

Don’t miss out on the greatness that’s available to you…join us for The Genius Within: Calling on Your Natural Talents to Make Life More Fulfilling

We have cooked up an amazing array of exercises designed to show you exactly how talented you are, and how to utilize your talents to create the life you TRULY deserve…a life of ease, joy, fulfillment and happiness.

Don’t miss out!

Lighting Your Fire! – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to
Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life

June 17th@ 7-8:30 pm MST

I want you to feel fulfilled, accomplished and successful and these things ONLY come from tapping into and maintaining your MOTIVATION.

You have immense amounts of talent, depth and spirit and these characteristics are manifested through the realization of your dreams, goals and aspirations. When your dreams fade, so does your spirit. However, when you’re motivated ....your spark for life is unmistakable.

Lighting Your Fire! – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life holds everything you need to understand this fire and keep it lit…no matter what.

  Go ahead and REGISTER NOW while you’re thinking about it.

It’s free, it’s good for you, and this offer won’t last long.

Click here to register TODAY.

July 2nd @ 7pm MST

We believe it is important for women to circle in ways that are appropriate to their unique culture, traditions, and community which is naturally happening world-wide.

The unifying thread in the Global Sisterhood is that every Sister Circle will add the 10 minute Heart Meditation followed by the monthly Theme Activation which connects all the women on an energetic level and together shifts the collective consciousness.

Your Sisterhood Awaits!
7/02/19 Liberation through Forgiveness: I forgive, I let go, I set myself free

Courageous Warriors of Love! Available July 8th-Dec. 9th

An immersive online journey into Courage: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self-Confidence, by Debbie Ford

Transform weakness to strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage as you are led through the proven process and guiding principles to access a new kind of confidence and courage. See yourself and your life in a way that inspires, excites and exhilarates you.

Click Here to Experience a Courageous Love Module for Free!

It's time to release the patterns that tie and bind us into an expression that is untrue to the very core of your souls.

Elevate the consciousness of your communication and connections.

Ride on the melodies of ancient songs as they speak to you and through you.

Listen to the voices of all the sisters who have walked this earth.

Their wild woman wisdom lives on within you.

They urge you to humble your mind so it becomes a student of the voice of the heart, and follows her guidance.

Allow the divine to move your tongue with clarity and truth.  Trust in her precision.  

You are guided.  Your story is needed.

Your soul's most resonant truth yearns to be expressed.

It is safe to trust yourself.

You are supported on your very own personal journey of healing and freeing the voice. 

May it be so for every woman.

And so it is.


With Love.... and Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!


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You always get one complimentary (15 minute) Laser Coaching Call EACH MONTH!

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You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.

Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon