You are Worthy Wendy. You are valuable and lovable just the way you are.

We all have big plans and dreams for our lives. Whether it’s making a lot of money, writing a bestselling book, starting a massively impactful organization, or buying a house by the sea. Whatever our dreams, we all have them. And once we set our minds on achieving that dream, it’s natural to push away anything else that doesn’t directly contribute to that goal.

However, studies have shown that people at the end of life rarely look back and remember all the big things they have done. They don’t reminisce about the money they have made, the possessions they have acquired, or the interviews they have given. Rather, they remember simple things - like the night in front of the fireplace singing songs with the kids, laughter shared with friends, or the feeling of holding hands with a loved one as the sun sets below the horizon. 

Those simple, small moments are usually the ones most felt by the people around you as well. The conversations you have with your grandchildren help shape the lives they live. The food and time you donate to your local shelter sends a ripple of kindness and compassion into the world that you may never witness. The time you spend watching your friend’s kids so that she can go on a job interview creates a better life for an entire family. 

Now, you may very well be the next best-selling author. You might inspire the world while speaking on a stage for hundreds of thousands of people....someday. You may invent something that makes life easier.  That could be your destiny. However, most people will never leave their names in the history books, or even amass a million followers on Instagram.  

But everybody can do something impactful right now for the people around them. And doing something kind for another is the one sure way of knowing that you have made a difference today. 

And as you look back on your life, it is the small moments that are most likely to bring you warmth, contentment and fulfillment. 

What Little Thing Can You Do Today to Make a Difference in Someone Else’s Life?

There are a lot of people talking these days about “living a life of purpose and meaning.”

The prevailing sentiment seems to be that you need to find some grand, unifying meaning or pre-existing purpose, and stick to that. Like it’s destiny, and if we can solve the riddle, then our life will be perfect. 

Rather than get all worked up over some elusive sense of purpose, how about we adhere to our VALUES and build a meaningful life from there? If you figure out what’s most important to you and commit to keeping that front and center, everything you do will naturally be purposeful. 

To that end, there’s something that I’d like to share with you.  It’s our upcoming training called What Matters Most …Totally FREE of course. Click the link below and let me know what you think. 

What Matters Most: Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of your Values!

With Love...

And Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!

Ready. Set. Grow.
You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.


Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon