Merry Christmas! The 2020 Best Year Ever Audio Course- a $177 Value- Yours FREE!

Are you ready to experience more of your greatness?

Can you imagine a dream, a plan, a life you love?

Spend the next four months creating a vision for your life that will inspire, excite and propel you to become the person you always wanted to be.

The 18 Module Best Year Ever Audio Course provides a remarkable support structure for helping you to reconnect to your deepest dreams, remember your commitment to excellence, and live in integrity with what is most important to you, while continuously being held in your highest vision.

This is my Christmas Gift to YOU! Be sure to CLAIM IT HERE by New Year's Eve! 

Grateful, not Grumpy

To hear him tell it, Robert had a rough life. 

People were always picking fights with him. He was always getting cut off in traffic, or being targeted for parking tickets. Authority figures had it out for him, and that made it hard for him to keep a job. Every day, he had something to complain about, and he never missed an opportunity to do so. 

Robert’s brother, Richard, on the other hand, lived a wonderful life. Sure, his ex-wife took his house in the divorce, but he was so grateful for the kids that she gave him and the lessons he’d learned during their separation. And yeah, chemo had taken all of his hair, but he often smiled as he told his friends how grateful he was that the chemo took his cancer too. To hear him tell it, Richard was the luckiest man alive. 

It’s probably not surprising that Robert had a unique knack for clearing a room by simply walking into it, while Richard frequently found himself surrounded by friends and family who loved him. 

Let’s be straight…complaining may feel good in the moment, but the fact of the matter is that nobody wants to hear your complaints. Complaining for complaint sake is unproductive and off-putting. You may blow off some steam and validate your frustrations, but complaints don’t solve problems; in fact, they often create more. 

Gratitude, on the other hand, does solve problems. It gives you the mindset you need to find opportunity everywhere, even in the negative and challenging circumstances of life. Grateful people are fascinating, attractive, and immensely magnetic. 

Plus, gratitude has the magic ability to turn a would-be complaint into a productive analysis of challenges and the lessons they hold. 

Look around. There’s always something to be grateful for.


Count Your Blessings!

Most of our discontent stems from our inability to appreciate what we already have.  Without gratitude, we become trapped in an endless cycle of wishing and wanting life to be different.  When we learn the art of counting our blessings, even life's simplest pleasures fill us with satisfaction and delight.

Gratitude is a choice.  It's a state of being that's developed through practice.  It unfolds when we choose to look all that we have, rather than dwelling on what we don't have.  The more we develop the ability to appreciate even the small gifts in our lives, the easier this skill becomes.  Gratitude is a self-generated gift we can give ourselves every day.  And when we start counting the small blessings in our lives, we automatically open ourselves to receive more.


Your Self-Love Assignment

Make a list of all the things in your life for which you're grateful.  Be sure to include the things you normally take for granted.  For example, you have a warm home to shelter you; people in your life who love you; and the ability to see, hear, taste, and feel.

Use your idle time to practice the art of gratitude.  Find something to appreciate while you're standing in line at the bank, driving your car, or grocery shopping with your kids.  Do this practice for one week and watch as new levels of love and appreciation fill your heart. 


Why Use Peppermint Oil on Your Feet Everyday?

A quick dive into Wikipedia and you’ll find out that a foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than a hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments. Not only that, but there are thousands of nerve endings on each foot.

In addition to that, in regular day, you might be walking 5,000 to 8,000 steps. If you think about it, your feet are not getting all the TLC they deserve.

What to do?

​Here are 3 Reason Why You Should Be Using
Peppermint Oil in Your Feet Everyday?

  1. Peppermint oil has been found to relieve sore muscles and inflammation.
  2. Peppermint oil contains anti-microbial properties.
  3. Peppermint oil can help you sleep better. Peppermint has an active component, Menthol, which is known as analgesic

Try it for a month and see how a quick 2 minute massage can do wonder to your life.




Want to know how to find MORE LIFE HARMONY?  NO-COST Full Moon Webinar shows you how to avert and resolve conflict, create WIN/WINS and live peacefully with others.  CLICK HERE for more info!


We believe it is important for women to circle in ways that are appropriate to their unique culture, traditions, and community which is naturally happening world-wide.

The unifying thread in the Global Sisterhood is that every Sister Circle will add the 10 minute Heart Meditation followed by the monthly Theme Activation which connects all the women on an energetic level and together shifts the collective consciousness.

Join us live December 26th for our next new moon theme: "Self-Mastery: I prioritize the goals of my soul"

Astrology of this new moon:   
       CAPRICORN IS AN EARTH SIGN, RULED BY JUPITER.  Keywords: Responsible, grounded, goal-oriented, purpose-driven, wise, practical, helpful, determined, dependable, resourceful, ambitious.




With Love... and Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!


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You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.


Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon