This month's theme is Fearlessly Me: I am not afraid to be seen.

For thousands of years, it wasn't safe for women to show the world our true brilliance and gifts. In a world that would prosecute women who shined -- calling it witchcraft, seduction, or just plain ludicrous -- we needed to protect ourselves by hiding behind a mask. Many women still hide who they truly are, whether it is in a relationship, in a career, or in their social life... and after a while, we believe that the mask we have worn truly is who we are. We create an identity in order to be accepted and liked, and in order to feel safe. But here’s the catch -- the identity we built to stay safe it isn't really authentic to us, even if we think it is!

The imbalance between men and women also caused women to compare themselves to one another, competing for approval. This has led to the incessant need for women to believe that in order to thrive or even just survive, we must look and act a certain way that pleases others. It is important that we free ourselves from this intergenerational conditioning and express our true selves -- and encourage other women to do the same.

In response, this theme invites us to be wholly, completely, fearlessly ourselves. Together as a sisterhood, we are coming out of hiding so that we can share our FULL expression with each other and with the world. In doing so, we shed the shame and become free to be all that we can be. It's time for the world to receive our gifts, our love, our brilliance, our splendor, and our stories. It's time step courageously into vulnerability in order to be seen -- and to SHINE, unhindered!

At every moment - and especially in times of challenge - each of us is confronted with an important choice. Will we react out of fear, or will we choose instead to be guided out of faith? While fear can be an important messenger that signals us to pay attention, faith gives us strength and reassurance and leaves us bathed in the wisdom that we're never alone.

Surrendering to faith is an act of courage. It's saying, "Even though I feel scared or I'm not sure where I'm going, I trust that all will turn out in my highest and best interests." When we make choices rooted in faith, we trust that there's a power, an unseen force, guiding us. Faith gives us the ability to look beyond our immediate circumstances and imagine brave new choices for the future.

Your Self-Love Assignment:

  • Identify an area in your life where you're being held back by fear. Close your eyes and ask yourself, "What is the message that my fear is trying to give me? What action would fear like me to take in order to protect myself?"


  • Next, notice if there's any area in your life that could benefit from a little more faith. Do you have enough faith to ask for what you need? Do you have enough faith to take a risk that may improve your situation? Allow yourself to see what actions you could take this week to build you faith muscle, and commit to taking them.


Bonus! Audio Chapter: "Is This an Act of Fear, or is it an Act of Faith?" from The Right Questions, by Debbie Ford (narrated by Wendy Spurgeon).



Authentically, fearlessly YOU

“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” - Dr. Brene Brown

Dr. Brene Brown's research has shown that there is no courage without vulnerability, and we need to allow ourselves to be seen in order to find a true sense of belonging and joy.

Many people yearn to be seen but are afraid to be fully seen. It is said that we must always do what both terrifies and excites us to live a full and meaningful life. So if being seen is an edge for you, lean into it... and see what happens!

How can you expect to attract people who truly love and appreciate you if you aren't being true to who you are? When you hide, the people who are meant to come into your life can't find you. Be seen, and your soul family will be able to find you.

When we let our true selves be seen, we are no longer trying to fit in -- we belong. True belonging does not mean changing ourselves; it means being accepted for who we really are.

When you shine your light fully and choose to be authentically, fearlessly YOU, what's truly in alignment with you will be magnetized to you, and what is out of alignment will fall away. It's not always easy, but you can trust it.

When we take off the masks and let our true selves be seen, we can experience healing and catharsis. We free ourselves from the cage we put ourselves in!

When we choose to be fearlessly ourselves, we can heal our shame and find true confidence, self-esteem, and self-love.

Expressing all that we are brings us into wholeness, and wholeness is healing.


  • What is your current growth edge around being seen? (Examples: Sharing my gifts as a singer, showing more of my full radiant sensual self in my romantic relationship, allowing myself to be seen deeply in all situations and not just when things are positive)
  • Do you compare yourself to other women or get triggered in any way when a woman is expressing herself confidently and freely?
  • What have you been hiding from the world, or from the people that are closest to you? Why? What would shift if you took off the mask.


  • Make an inner commitment that you will choose to be courageous and share a part of you with the world, or with close relationships. Write it down and take action -- let this part of yourself be seen.
  • Examine where in your life you are operating from old patterns of self-consciousness, playing small, or changing yourself to make others happy. Ask yourself what you can do to welcome more confidence, bigness, and authenticity!
  • Practice owning your strengths more -- and especially the strengths that make you special. This can mean accepting compliments, saying affirmations, and consciously choosing to share your strengths with friends. Feel free to brag in the name of self-love!


Your Free Gift from Gaia.com

Six years after the breakup of their relationship, Fredrick is contacted by Catherine, the love of his life, whom he has not seen in the six years since the breakup. Their meeting turns into much more than expected as they examine the past and the feel the spark of enduring love. Will Fredrick leave his wife to renew his connection with Catherine, or is it time to release the past once and for all?

Into Me See presents us with the challenges we all face with intimate relationships. By allowing us a "fly on the wall" perspective of a reunion between a man and woman who come together for a day of healing after six years of separation, we gain valuable new insights into the process of letting go.

A selection of the Spiritual Cinema Circle. Click Here to watch "Into Me See" (1 hr, 8 mins) 2003. 



August 15th

Important Realization: You’re no good to anyone if you’re overwhelmed & exhausted.

It feels good to be productive, but if you’re not getting enough downtime, your ability to effectively handle situations that life throws your way will suffer. And so will your health and relationships.

If you don’t take time to do the things you enjoy (museums, movies, gardening, etc), you will run out of inspiration, and your life will become dry & droll.

So what to do? Take a break and do something fun, that’s what! 

Join us this Thursday, August 15th

Click here, and see you on the other side. 



Coming Soon: August 18th-24th

REAL TALK: No matter how AMAZING your goals are, at some point or another you’re going to lose steam. It’s okay…this is a natural part of the process.

The trick is to find more fuel for your fire and fan the flames again. Easier said than done, right? Maybe…

For a LIMITED TIME....AUGUST 18TH-24TH ONLY.... The Way of Truth Sacred Journey Portal is offering a FREE online course on MOTIVATION. This Self-Study Course normally sells for $97, but the world needs your fire NOW....so please receive this nudge, courtesy of The Way of Truth team.

Just use the coupon code AWAKENING to access this powerful course for free!



Your Sisterhood Awaits! New Moon Circle August 30th

We believe it is important for women to circle in ways that are appropriate to their unique culture, traditions, and community which is naturally happening world-wide.

The unifying thread in the Global Sisterhood is that every Sister Circle will add the 10 minute Heart Meditation followed by the monthly Theme Activation which connects all the women on an energetic level and together shifts the collective consciousness.

This new moon in Virgo, the theme is “Sovereign Woman: I am untamed and unbroken.”  

Astrology of this new moon: Virgo (Earth) - grounded, present, supportive, nurturing, reliable,  truthful, helpful, analytic, modest, humble, detail-oriented, finds purpose through service 

Join us, Your Sisterhood Awaits on August 30th!



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Burn, burn, burn away all expectations of who you think you should be.

Burn with truth and authenticity beyond all convention.

Burn with a fierce inner trust. YOU are your own authority. Let yourself be authentic, and love every step of the journey. Protect your integrity with ferocity, like a lioness with her cubs.

Release into the fire the stories and identities that keep you trapped. Tap into the true essence of your soul; your inner fire. Allow it to radiate and shine through, unhindered, unafraid, unapologetic, unlike ever before.

Now is your time. This Leo new moon is roaring through the ether to meet you as you are, right here, right now, in this moment, and awaken you to the unique YOU-ness that this world so desperately needs.

Own your power. Be fearlessly you. Let yourself be seen. And trust that we will ALL be better because of it.


With Love.... and Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!  


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Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon