This month's theme is Liberation through Forgiveness: I forgive, I let go, I set myself free.

Forgiveness is a deep healing that is often misunderstood. To forgive is not to condone, and not to forget. It is said that holding onto resentment is like holding onto a hot stone, expecting it to burn another person when in truth, it is burning you. When you forgive, you let go of the stone. Forgiving another doesn’t simply free them; it sets the forgiver free, more than anything. This allows us to truly move on and utilize our energy and attention towards what we wish to create, instead of dwelling on the hurts of the past. But, forgiveness does not mean forgetting. When we forgive, we release negativity but keep the wisdom of our learnings.

On both a personal and collective level, it is important to forgive so that we can truly create something new. For so long, the feminine has been suppressed, hurt, silenced, and traumatized. For many women, it is a journey and a great effort to move toward forgiveness -- yet, this is a journey we ultimately all must take, even if it is done in baby steps. With courage and compassion, we brave the frontier of forgiving ourselves, our men, and each other... and through every act of forgiveness, we bring harmony and healing to the wounds of the world. Through forgiveness, women everywhere can stand strong in their power without blaming or suppressing another. This work is so deeply needed as we move forward because through forgiveness, we can create a better world from a new feminine paradigm of radical compassion, fierce love, and equality. This is Liberation Through Forgiveness. Welcome



Some cultures see forgiveness as a synonym with surrendering, submission, or weakness -when in reality, it is a courageous act of compassion that is deeply healing.

Forgiveness does not mean to condone or to forget. Forgiving others is an act that actually sets us free, so we are no longer clouded with anger, resentment, or pain.

Often when we are stuck on our path of healing and finding self-love, there is a situation, person, or part of ourselves that longs to feel the warm embrace of forgiveness. If it isn't obvious to us at first, we merely need to look deeper.

Forgiveness can be used as a simple daily practice for actions large and small, in our relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. It keeps our relationships healthy, instead of building resentments over time.

A quick google search yields many comprehensive studies on the connections between forgiveness and mental, physical, and spiritual health, on both the personal level as well as on the level of the family, community, and international relations.

Resentments drain our vital energy. They act like a barrier around our heart, preventing us from receiving all the love we desire. Holding on to our resentments restricts the amount of success, vitality, and abundance we're able to receive. The mere mention of a person's name that angers us can ruin our mood and steal our joy. To find forgiveness, we must look for the wisdom that's hidden in the hurtful events of our past.

Once we receive the lessons of any upsetting experience, forgiveness unfolds naturally. Forgiveness lightens our hearts and liberates our souls.


Your Self-Love Assignment:

  • Think about someone you've been harboring a grudge against. Picture this person's face in your mind and allow yourself to feel the weight of carrying this resentment.


  • Allow yourself to see what would be available to you if you made the powerful choice to forgive. Would you have more love, more freedom, more peace, more success, or more power? What would it feel like to be free of this grudge?


  • Finally, make a list of everything you've learned as a result of this experience. What wisdom do you now possess that you never would have gained if not for this person? How could you use this wisdom to enrich your life? Allow this new awareness to soften your heart and help you forgive.


Bonus Audio: Self-Forgiveness - from "Your Holiness: Holy Medicine" by Debbie Ford (10 min audio)




The Hawaiian forgiveness ritual, Ho'oponopono, is a profound practice centered around forgiveness. With full respect to this culture, we feel it is important to discuss the wisdom of this practice to get a more holistic and rooted understanding of how forgiveness can change not only lives, but entire communities.

"Ho'o" means to make or to do, and "pono" means clarity, honesty, and proper actions based on the highest cultural values. In short, Ho'oponopono means "to make things clear, right, and aligned with our highest values." From this, we learn that if we do not resonate with the values of our own culture, it is important for each person, family, and community to focus on what their unique values are, and work towards them together by first achieving forgiveness.

There are many different types of Ho'oponopono that are practiced In their ancient culture, there were lineages of Ho'oponopono Kahunas (medicine people) whose role in the community was to reconcile conflicts to bring peace and well-being to communities.

Ho'oponopono focuses on not only forgiveness, but building healthy interpersonal relationships and a thriving community. The wise Hawaiian elders knew that the root of discord was blame, resentment, and lack of forgiveness - so this is what Ho'oponopono aims to heal.

The practice of Ho'oponopono is not just done person to person, but also community to community, and within families. When all members of a family choose to look within and do deep forgiveness work with one another, there are stories of hereditary diseases and ancestral traumas being healed.


Bonus Audio! Wendy sings the Ho'oponopono Song (2 minutes)


Reflection Questions:

  • Have you ever had a powerful moment of forgiveness, whether it was forgiving yourself or another? What helped you to get to that point of forgiveness, and what advice do you have for other women who find it hard to let go?


  • Where are you currently holding onto resentments, anger, or blame towards others, or yourself? What steps can you take to move forward in the direction of forgiveness and liberating yourself, to be in alignment with this theme?


  • In what area of your life are you not showing up as the person you want to be? Is there a pattern you haven't shifted out of? Is there something deeper, like a root cause, that is keeping you stuck? What can you do to release it? Is there something you need to forgive yourself for?


  1.  Journal or talk to a sister (OR ONE OF OUR COACHES) about something you'd like to forgive, whether it is with yourself or another. Allow yourself to feel and process the emotions present.
  2. Take responsibility for your part in creating an unhealthy relationship (even if it's with yourself). Consciously choose to stop blaming, and reclaim the power you have been giving away through blaming another. This way, you can take responsibility for learning from it or changing this situation in your life.
  3. Take a tangible action step towards releasing resentment or anger. Mark time off in your calendar for you to do deep inner work. You can choose to do a ritual of self-forgiveness; to visualize the end of a quarrel with love, kindness, and forgiveness; or to have a conversation with another who you'd like to clear energy with.




Higher Consciousness through Forgiveness with James V. Hardt Ph.D.
Open Minds with Regina Meredith
S4:Ep231 hr, 3 mins

June 2014

Guest: James V. Hardt Ph.D.

Every new brain function discovery accompanies the growing awareness that we know precious little about human consciousness. We know that we can train our brains with tools like neuro-feeback to improve overall brain function. However, a recent discovery has shown a surprising new way that we can dramatically enhance our mental capabilities. Dr. James Hardt explains the neuroscience behind achieving the highest levels of consciousness using love and forgiveness in this interview with Regina Meredith originally webcast June 17, 2014.

For over 30 years James V. Hardt Ph.D. has been studying the electrophysiological basis of spiritual states and has dedicated his life in the research and development surrounding brain wave training. He has developed technology that has demonstrated significant effectiveness in healing and transforming core dimensions of personality, reducing stress and anxiety, reversing key aspects of the brain’s aging process.

Click Here for Higher Consciousness through Forgiveness (1 hr, 3 min video)




Now Playing!

July 8th-July 13th Only!

Did you know that every cell in your body is vibrating right now?

Just like the planets spinning around the sun, your sub-atomic particles orbit their nuclei, creating a vibration that affects everything in you and around you. Your brain also sends pulses throughout your body that affect your heart rate, respiratory patterns and central nervous system.

The really FUN part is that you can shift your vibration by choosing your thoughts & managing your emotional state…and thus you can positively or negatively affect everything around you WITH YOUR MIND.

Don’t worry…this isn’t hocus-pocus or witchcraft. It’s simple human stuff, and I’d like to show you a few things about it. Just click the link below to learn more about how powerful you are.

The Law of Attraction Café Self-Study Coaching Challenge

Embody Your Courageous Warrior of Love!

Available July 15th-Dec. 16th

Join us for an immersive online journey into
Courage: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self-Confidence, by Debbie Ford

Transform weakness to strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage as you are led through the proven process and guiding principles to access a new kind of confidence and courage. See yourself and your life in a way that inspires, excites and exhilarates you.

Click Here to Learn How to Receive your Courageous Love Immersion for Women for FREE!

The Time Challenge: Making Every Moment in Life COUNT

Our Next Full Moon Webinar

Coming Soon! July 17th @ 7-8:30 pm MST

Let’s face it…you have a finite amount of time on this planet. And in that time, you only have so much energy to spend on your passions, projects & pursuits. Quit burning minutes on meaningless minutia!!!

In my new, fun, interactive Full Moon Webinar, I will help you identify your TOP 5 time wasters and how to overcome them. There’s no need to let distraction destroy your dreams. Join us & discover the joy of meaning & accomplishment.

Go ahead…REGISTER NOW while you’re thinking about it. Then you will have made progress in your day and you will feel great!

Click here to register TODAY.


July 31st@ 7pm MST

We believe it is important for women to circle in ways that are appropriate to their unique culture, traditions, and community which is naturally happening world-wide.

The unifying thread in the Global Sisterhood is that every Sister Circle will add the 10 minute Heart Meditation followed by the monthly Theme Activation which connects all the women on an energetic level and together shifts the collective consciousness.

Your Sisterhood Awaits!
7/31/19 Fearlessly Me: I Let Myself Be Seen

Coming Soon to Your New Ruzuku Platform!

If you’ve ever lost steam on a dream or had a goal fizzle out before it came to fruition, then you know the pain of “what could have been.”

In my new, fun & informative self-study coaching challenge I will help you identify & overcome the top obstacles that keep most people from living their fullest lives. Motivation is the key to persistence, and persistence is the key to success. Let’s get you motivated.

August 5th-11th Only!

Your monthly Self-Study Coaching Challenge is moving to Ruzuku (the premiere platform for online courses!)

Stay Posted!

Return, return, return

to the sacred waters of your emotions 

and your soul's deepest longings.


Allow the waters of your soul's primordial wisdom to pour over you.

Allow the waters to remind you of the power within softness; the power within forgiveness.

Allow the waters to help you feel, let go, and set yourself free.


Like water to stone, let your tears soften your edges.

Enter the healing temple within your subconscious, where the feminine will hold you and support you.

You are not alone on this journey of release and rebirth.


Sister, be patient with your process as it unfolds.

You are unwinding lifetimes of conditioning and breathing new life into old memories, healing them.

You are opening the floodgates with the intention of freeing what you have suppressed.


It is safe now. It is time.

Flow like the feminine waters back to the sea of love -- the primordial place of creation - the arms of the 

mother where you feel comforted and held through everything you experience.

There is great medicine in the act of forgiveness.


When you emerge from the depths of your internal journey, breathing the air of a fresh sky, watching the

mystical waters peacefully flowing, you will feel it.



You are honored exactly where you are, and for all you have been through.

Put your hand on your heart and affirm -- "I am doing the work to heal myself."


Beloved Sister,

Thank you for tuning into the power of forgiveness this new moon in Cancer.

We are with you.


With Love.... and Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Global Sisterhood Facilitator & Full Moon Webinar Hostess with the Mostest!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!


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Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon