Dear Wendy,

I'm going to share some very intimate information with you, because I trust you. We are cut from the same cloth....

My eldest son, Sebastian, is turning 23 this Saturday, May 11th.  Sebastian was born female and came out as male and began his gender transition 5 years ago.  Today, he is a happy, healthy, thriving, college graduate working his very first "grown up" job as a teacher's assistant at a private school working with special needs middle-schoolers.  He is a writer, artist, and social justice activist, dedicated to living and serving from his true authentic nature.

He inspires me every day to pursue the way of truth in my own life.  My way of truth is to use the lessons, skills, and tools I have learned (and continue to learn) through my personal transformation journey to create a thriving life filled with service I love.... and I want to thank you personally Wendy, for being an important part of this Way of Truth!

So... what does this have to do with Riding Dragons?  No, I'm not building a Game of Thrones inspired theme park, lol!.... but I do have a very special offer... a Sebastian Special that will expire at 11:59 pm this Saturday May 11th!

Riding the Dragon: Twelve Weeks to Creative Freedom

I have always been what is now termed a "Creative". My mother was a life-long school teacher and horse lover.  She taught me the value of integrity, work ethic, and service.  Her hope for me was that I would become a school teacher like her and have a "stable, dependable job".  

But I learned early that my way of truth was calling me to a career in the performing arts. 

For more than 20 years, I worked consistently and successfully as a performing artist.  It's what I was created for... and then the way of truth spoke again and set me on my current path.

Now, through my work as an Integrative Life Coach, Global Sisterhood Facilitator, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, and The Way of Truth Creator, I am profoundly fulfilled in my service to you and the rest of The Way of Truth Community.

Let's work together in a more intimate way... what do you say? 

Are you ready to Ride the Dragon?

This dragon was trained specifically with you in mind Wendy.  See... I knew you might have some legitimate fears.  Creative Freedom means you'll have to do some work!  But it won't feel like work.  It'll feel like you are being what you were designed to be... a Creative in Service.

Stop telling yourself it is too late; you are too old; you don't have the money; you are too scared, etc etc...

These simple tools are meant to be experienced not talked about so--here we go, get out a sheet a paper and quickly list the anger you have about creativity in general or yours specifically... anything counts--whatever comes to mind is fine.

  • Now list the fears you have about being more creative--most of us are a lot more afraid that a process like this one WILL work, than that it won't.


  • Now list the hopes you have for a course on creativity--what do you wish you could learn here?? It doesn't have to be "realistic" in fact it probably shouldn't be for now.


  • Finally, what questions do you have about the course or creativity in general?


Write them all down, nothing is too petty, stupid, etc... The only stupid questions are those we forget to ask. 

Watch the video. Schedule your one on one call with me. It's all waiting for you when you click on the link below.

The Artist's Way at Work- Riding the Dragon: Twelve Weeks to Creative Freedom

Let's Ride Together!


With Love... and Remembering the Way of Truth,


Wendy Spurgeon, Certified Integrative Life Coach
Grateful Creative in Service, Thriving Angel on a Journey!
and the rest of The Way of Truth Team!

Ready. Set. Grow.
You’re not alone! The Way of Truth is A Sacred Journey Portal that trains and employs the Sacred Genius in you through customized courses, coaching, mentoring and opportunities delivered through your own secured online portal.



Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon