Hi Wendy! On the 10th of each month, The Way of Truth Newsletter arrives.

We hope you enjoy:) ~ Wendy and Chellee

The World Needs You to Play Your Part!

It is easy to get discouraged by all the problems and needs in the world. The sheer volume can feel daunting. Often, it seems downright impossible. There is just too much to be done! And one person can’t do it all.

But everyone can do some good.  And EVERY little bit of good makes a difference.

Instead of focusing on “all” the good the world needs, try thinking about what you CAN do. For example, you can pitch in and help your neighbor with a yard project. Or you can do your part by helping an elderly person in need. Or you can “go the extra mile” by offering your time and talents to a project or organization you care about. 

Any act, large or small, makes a difference. And our acts of service create a ripple effect we often don’t see. The only way to do all the good that the world needs isn’t for you to do EVERYTHING… but for you to do SOMETHING. 

What can you do to make a difference today?  Imagine if EVERYONE did a little... we could indeed change the world, one act at a time. 

“An Introduction to Theatre Directing”

SCCT Workshop, February 20th

Brenda McFarlane

“Long-time theatre director, producer, and playwright Brenda McFarlane will lead “An Introduction to Theatre Directing, Saturday, February 20th, at 2 pm. The two-hour Zoom workshop/webinar is presented by Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT),” according to Phyllis McQuaide, SCCT President. “There is a $10 fee for the workshop. We very much depend on the support of our community.

“Attendees will learn what it takes to direct a play,” according to Brenda McFarlane. “The director of a theatrical production will make or break a show. An enjoyable, entertaining play always needs a leader, whether they call themselves a director or not. Theatrical directing is leadership in its highest and most challenging form. The level of finesse and skill it requires to lead a theatrical production is astonishing in scope and at its best, the director should go virtually unrecognized by the audience. Directing a play can break even the most brilliant director sometimes. Attend this directing workshop if you want to learn more about the craft of directing.”
“You can register in advance at  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lx0B03EdTYW0VMGEWfPXbA webinar,” McQuaide says.  “After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop/webinar.”

And now... a Special Invitation from Wendy!

Classic Radio Play Read-throughs and Recordings, Feb 24th-Feb 27th


Have you ever wanted to play a character voice in a radio play?  Well, now here's your chance to perform in a low pressure, highly creative radio program recording from the comfort and safety of your home. Zoom in your voice!

Mystic Way Productions is at it again! Though not directly affiliated with SCCT, Mystic Way Productions (Wendy Spurgeon, Chris Wellman, and our creative cast and crew from around the country) loved producing and distributing "Scrooge and Dickens: The 2020 Re-boot" this past holiday season for your enjoyment.

This time we've been invited to produce CLASSIC RADIO PLAY recordings to send to our local KURU radio station for their March fundraiser. We've got several scripts from the Golden Age of Radio to choose from....we need your unique voice!

How much fun would it be to record an episode of "Abbott and Costello", "Amos and Andy", "Burns and Allen", "The Lone Ranger", or "Blondie"?  Check out the wide variety of scripts we can choose from at genericradio.com/library

Click Here to choose your preferred radio play read-through and recording times Feb 24th-27th! 

And Coming Soon to The Way of Truth:

Thank you Wendy, for playing your part! All our acts, great and small, make a difference.




Wendy Spurgeon
Wendy Spurgeon